Tuesday 4 December 2012

the siouxvenir break down

Building a shop.

Liliana Porter, Untitled (triangle). 1973. B + W Photograph.

I've got mounds of vintage clothes piled up, to be sorted, documented, getting ready to be shipped to loving homes of some seriously fashionable ladies.

All the behind-the-scenes work that I've been putting into this project, siouxvenir, has been mostly invisible as a tech-shy artist like me grapples with the challenge of opening an online shop on etsy. The etsy part was not the hard part, nor finding the lovely vintage items, which I can spend time hunting for now that the winter season is bringing me more free time. It's this idea of having a blog, and somehow combining the familiar exercises of keeping sketchbooks, journals and photo albums in a digital world.

At any rate, the end result should be a fully operational shop of hand-picked jewels, up and running in a matter of weeks (or days)!

...So Welcome.

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